Tips for a clean home with pets

clean home with pets

In a short time, pets become part of the family. Sometimes, however, with their help, the home is turned upside down and emergency measures have to be taken. We offer you useful tips for a clean home with pets.

clean home with pets

Tips for a clean home with Pets

Whether because of their larger size or because of their display of character, among other pets, dogs and cats are usually the most common culprits of chaos in the home.

Make them comfortable

Set aside a special corner for your kitten or dog to sleep in. Observe your pet and see where it most often goes to rest or lounge. Place a pallet with a cushion or a small mat in this spot – not only do you create your own space, but you also limit their perimeter for plucking hair.

For cats, it’s a good idea to add a special board for them to sharpen their claws – this protects the rugs of the chairs and the rugs of the sofa from their sharp claws. Hang the “sharpener” low down on the wall that is closest to where the piss sleeps. Cats like to sharpen their claws as soon as they get up from sleep.

Depending on whether the cat is vertical (likes to climb and stand up high) or horizontal (prefers to lay low and flat), consider a cat climber. As some models are more expensive, you can make one yourself – from small boards and suitable fabric for the lining.



Limit the perimeter

Whether you have a cat or a dog, it is advisable to limit their perimeter during the day when you are away. That way, the mischief will be confined to one room of the dwelling. Keep the other rooms closed off. Leave a path to the bathroom or cat litter box so that the animal can go there if needed. Be careful, some pets are quite dexterous and open doors easily.


Cleaning strategy

Accept that once you’ve got a pet, your encounters with the vacuum cleaner will be much more frequent. Sometimes, however, even the appliance can’t suck out the hair on your couch or carpet. In that case, use a slightly damp cloth to pick them off.

Dogs like to bite various objects – table legs and chairs are the most common victims. To avoid this problem, smear them with clove oil – the bitter taste will discourage the animal from repeated attempts.


clean home with pets

If the dog or kitten fails to make it to the toilet in time and makes a mess, you should clean the place immediately. Otherwise, the floor will absorb the smell and the incident may happen again. Wash the place with bleach or ammonia. Or if their smell irritates you, then make a solution of vinegar and lemon juice or spray with lemon juice only. The citrus scent repels animals.


Useful tips for a clean home with pets

Place a wider tray or small rug under the hamster’s or rabbit’s cage so that if the animal pushes the shavings, they don’t spill on the floor.
Aquariums are easier to clean with a paste of salt and vinegar – just smear on the walls and then rinse gently.
Scattered hairs can also be picked up using tape or scotch by running the sticky side over the surface.

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