Whether you’re a private house owner, tenant or landlord, letting or vacating a Bicester OX26 property, CS Cleaners®, is a specialised Bicester OX26 company for tenants moving out and end of tenancy cleaning package to suit your needs.
As a Landlord
We understand how important it is for you to have your property professionally cleaned and checked before showing it to a prospective tenant.
As a Tenant
Flat, Apartment or House move out
It is equally important to present a spotlessly clean apartment to the Landlord as the return of your deposit is dependent on the condition you leave their property.
The best end of tenancy cleaning guarantees the most satisfying post-rent property condition.
Our end cleaning company is top-rated throughout England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
We use the end of tenancy cleaning Bicester OX26 specialists, who continually work closely with inventory clerks, landlords and estate agents to maintain their cleaning checklists, which are verified and regularly updated to meet the high standards required by the industry.
Post Tenancy Cleaning Services have been developed
through years of work with tenants, landlords, major lettings and estate
agents, and property management firms. Extensive cleaner training and
flexible scheduling allows us to tackle any job, no matter how dirty, and
our prices are highly competitive.
All our end of tenancy cleaning services includes the best
equipment, cleaning products and materials for the job. We send you a team of
cleaning professionals suitable to the size of the job and state of the
property and we can also provide speciality carpet cleaning, upon request.
Our smart and professional cleaning teams are hardworking and know exactly what they are doing so you can just leave them to get on with it.
Our end of tenancy service is a thorough cleaning with the usage of professional equipment and supplies. That makes us extremely effective. We are ready to fit our end of tenancy services to your needs and expectations.
Sit back and relax, let us do the cleaning for you!
Why pick CS Cleaners
→ Key pick up upon request
→ Fully insured cleaners
→ No time limit session – It’s done when it’s clean.
→ Different promotions for a multitude of service bookings
→ Years of past experience in the cleaning business
→ Short notice bookings available
→ Exclusive special discounts for returned Bicester OX26 clientele
→96 hours (4 calendar days) free re-clean quarantee (Terms and Conditions apply)
→check-out cleaning with fully trained professionals
How The Move Out Cleaners Do It
- We will dispatch the cleaners, who will arrive at the time you’ve specified.
- The experts carry all necessary equipment and detergents and will commence the cleaning session right away.
- Special attention will be paid to the areas specified in the schedule, in order to ensure the best results possible.
- We will send you an invoice, ensuring that the property has been cleaned professionally and is a shining place, ready for inspection.
NOTE: Please keep in mind that this service can’t be performed up to standard if the tenant’s personal belongings are not removed (or at least packed and gathered somewhere).
Additional Cleaning Procedures:
You can combine your End of Tenancy Cleaning with:
Deep carpet cleaning –If the carpets need to be cleaneded, then we can also assist you with expert hot water extraction. This is a professional procedure performed with special equipment. It is suitable for most types of carpets and upholstered furniture.
Is somebody unhappy? We’ve got a 96 hours (4 calendar days) free quarantee!
Only a professional cleaning company will guarantee your check-out deposit refund with your after-tenancy service.
If you notice that some area wasn’t cleaned properly, then please contact us within 96 hours after the completion of the cleaning session. We will return the team for a free re-clean (T&C apply). This way we ensure that tenants will get their security deposits back and landlords will be content with the state of their property
Schedule a service with us
To arrange your move out cleaning anywhere in Bicester OX26 or ask for an estimate, simply fill out our Free Quotation Form. You can also use our live chat and get all your questions answered.
Frequently asked questions
Q: What are the end of tenancy cleaners work hours?
A: You can contact us at any time. On the other hand, the earliest your lease end cleaning can start is 7:00 am. The latest cleaning session can start at around 3:00 pm.
Q: Do I have to defrost my fridge and freezer in advance?
A: Please make sure to defrost the fridge/freezer about 24 hours before the start of the cleaning session. If the fridge/freezer is still frozen when the tenancy cleaners arrive, they might not be able to properly clean it.
Q: Do I have to pay extra for any congestion charges or parking fees?
A: This is the only charge that may come on top of your move out cleaning service. The team will always search for a free spot to park. However, if such is not available, then the customer will be asked to cover the parking charges while the service takes place. In case the property is within the congestion zone, then the customer is required to take care of the charges. Otherwise, the service may take place during the weekend (or a bank holiday) when the congestion charges in Bicester OX26 are lifted.
Q.Do you clean carpets and rugs?
A: All carpets and uphоlstered amenities will be vacuum cleaned. If yоu want thоse dоne up tо prоfessiоnal standards – yоu can add carpet cleaning оr rugs cleaning at a preferential price as cоmbined service when yоu bооk.
Q: Do you charge by the hour or per job?
A: The service is priced per jоb, meaning that the mоve оut cleaners will stay оn site until the rental is fully dоne. Hоurs are nоt what defines hоw much dоes end оf tenancy cleaning cоst.
End of Tenancy Cleaning Bicester OX26
Call us Now 0800 699 0858
Or use our online Free Quotation Form
Remove bathtub rings naturally with a grapefruit. Dip 1/2
of a cut grapefruit in salt, and use it to remove bathtub rings in record
time! The citric acid in grapefruit cuts through dirt and soap scum,
and salt works as an abrasive to scrub away even the toughest
stains. Squeeze out the grapefruit juice as you scrub for even more
cleaning power
Acacia Walk | Baker Close | Campbell Close |
Acorn Close | Balliol Road | Campion Place |
Alchester Terrace | Bicester OX26 Road | Cartmel |
Aldbourne Close | Barberry Place | Castle Close |
Aldergate Road | Bardwell Terrace | Catterick Road |
Almond Road | Barnfield Close | Causeway |
Ambassador Court | Barry Avenue | Cedar Drive |
Ancil Avenue | Bartsia Road | Celandine Close |
Andover Close | Bassett Avenue | Cemetery Road |
Anson Way | Battle Close | Chaffinch Road |
Arkwright Road | Beaufort Close | Chalvey Road |
Ascot Way | Beckdale Close | Chantenay Close |
Ashby Road | Bell Lane | Chapel Street |
Ashdene Road | Benson Close | Charbridge Lane |
Aspen Close | Bernwood Road | Charbridge Way |
Austen Walk | Bessemer Close | Charlotte Avenue |
Avocet Way | Betony Walk | Chaucer Close |
Avon Crescent | Beverley Gardens | Cherwell Close |
Wye Close | Bicester Avenue | Chestnut Close |
Danes Road | Bicester House Estate | Chestnut End |
Darnell Walk | Bicester Road | Chichester Close |
Davis Garden | Bicester Village | Chiltern Approach |
Deans Court | Bisley Close | Church Lane |
Defiant Close | Blackburn Walk | Church Street |
Derwent Road | Blackthorn Road | Churchill Road |
Dickens Close | Blake Road | Clover Mead |
Dittander Close | Blencowe Close | Coach House Mews |
Dove Green | Blenheim Drive (bicester) | Coker Close |
Dryden Avenue | Blenheim Drive (launton) | Coleridge Close |
Dumas Close | Bluebell Close | Colne Close |
Dunkins Close | Blythe Place | Coltsfoot Leyes |
Dunlin Court | Boston Road | Conifer Drive |
Dunnock Close | Boundary Way | Coopers Green |
Duxford Close | Bourne Close | Corncrake Way |
East Street | Bowmont Square | Cosford Gardens |
Eden Way | Bramley Avenue | Cowper Close |
Elderfield Road | Brashfield Road | Cranesbill Drive |
Elm Close | Bristol Road | Crockwell Close |
Epsom Way | Broadwell Court | Crown Walk |
Evans Yard | Brook Road | Crumps Butts |
Evenlode Close | Browning Drive | Cuckoo Close |
Ewart Close | Bryony Road | Curtiss Close |
Fair Close | Buchan Road | Cypress Gardens |
Fairford Way | Buckingham Crescent | Halifax Road |
Fairhaven Road | Buckingham Road | Hambleside |
Falcon Mead | Bucknell Road | Hamilton Close |
Fallowfields | Bugloss Walk | Hampden Close |
Fallowfields Court | Bunyan Road | Hanover Gardens |
Fane Close | Burdock Close | Harmon Close |
Field Street | Bure Lane | Harrier Way |
Fieldfare Close | Bure Place | Hart Place |
Finchley Lane | Bure Sqare | Hawksmead |
Fircroft | Burns Crescent | Hawthorn Walk |
Fleming Close | Butterbur Gardens | Haydock Road |
Fluellen Place | Byron Way | Hazel Grove |
Fontwell Road | Galingale Close | Heather Road |
Forest Close | Gavray Drive | Hemingway Drive |
Forsythia Close | Gaydon Walk | Hendon Place |
Fox Lane | Gentian Close | Henley Gardens |
Foxglove Close | George Street | Herald Way |
Fringford Road | Germander Way | Hereford Close |
Fulmar Court | Gobles Court | Heron Court |
Japonica Close | Goldcrest Way | Heron Drive |
Jarvis Lane | Goldfinch Close | Hertford Close |
Jasmine Close | Goldsmith Close | Hexham Road |
Jay Close | Goodwood Close | Holly Close |
Jubilee Way | Gott Close | Holm Way |
Juniper Gardens | Graham Road | Honey Suckle Close |
Keats Close | Grange Mews | Hornbeam Road |
Keble Road | Granville Way | Horne |
Kempton Close | Grebe Road | Howes Lane |
Kennedy Road | Green Close | Hudson Street |
Kennet Close | Greenwood Drive | Hunt Close |
Kestrel Way | Griffiths Gardens | Huntington Road |
King’s Avenue | Lambourne Crescent | Huxley Close |
Kingfisher Way | Lancaster Close | Isis Avenue |
Kings End | Langford Gardens | Macauley Close |
Kingsclere Road | Lapwing Close | MacKenzie Close |
Kingsley Road | Larch Close | Magdalen Close |
Kipling Close | Larkspur Square | Maisefield Close |
Neun Kirshen Way | Launton Road | Mallards Way |
New Street | Lawrence Way | Manorsfield Road |
New Wesley Lane | Leach Road | Manston Close |
Newton Close | Lerwick Croft | Manzel Road |
Nightingale Place | Lily Close | Maple Road |
North Street | Lime Crescent | Margaret Close |
Nuffield Close | Lincoln Close | Marigold Walk |
Nuthatch Way | Linden Road | Market End Way |
Oak Close | Loddon Close | Martin Close |
Old Place Yard | Lodge Close | Maud Close |
Old School Close | London Road | May Tree Close |
Orchard Walk | Longfellow Close | Maycroft |
Orchard Way | Longfields | Mckay Trading Estate |
Orchid Close | Longfields Court | Medina Gardens |
Oriel Way | Lords Lane | Melville Close |
Orpine Close | Lucerne Avenue | Meredith Close |
Osborne Close | Lyneham Road | Merganser Drive |
Osprey Close | Lynham Road | Merlin Way |
Overstrand Close | Lysander Close | Merton Walk |
Oxford Road | Queens Avenue | Meteor Close |
Oxlip Leyes | Queens Court | Middleton Stoney Road |
Palm Court | Rau Court | Milton Close |
Parkland Place | Ravencroft | Minton Place |
Partridge Chase | Ray Road | Montgomery Road |
Paynes End | Raymond Road | Moor Pond Close |
Pembroke Way | Reading Court | Morello Close |
Peregrine Way | Redmoor Court | Mulberry Drive |
Perth Road | Redwing Close | Mullein Road |
Piggy Lane | Reedmace Road | Murdock Road |
Pine Close | Restharrow Mead | Saffron Close |
Pingle Drive | Ripon Close | Sallow Close |
Pipits Croft | Robins Way | Sanderling Close |
Pippin Close | Rochford Gardens | Sandpiper Close |
Plumton Road | Roman Way | Saxon Court |
Pontefract Road | Rookery Way | Scampton Close |
Poppylands | Rowan Road | Scott Close |
Portobello Close | Ruck Keene Close | Seelscheid Way |
Price Close | Ruskin Walk | Severn Close |
Primrose Drive | Vendee Drive | Shackleton Close |
Priory Close | Vervain | Shakespeare Drive |
Priory Court | Victoria Court | Shannon Road |
Priory Lane | Victoria Road | Shaw Close |
Priory Road | Villiers Road | Shearwater Drive |
Purslane Drive | Wadham Close | Sheen Close |
Talisman Road | Walnut Close | Sheep Street |
Tamar Crescent | Walpole Close | Shelley Close |
Tamarisk Gardens | Wansbeck Drive | Sherwood Close |
Tangmere Close | Warwick Court | Siskin Drive |
Tay Gardens | Waveney Close | Skimmingdish Lane |
Tayberry Close | Wayfarings | Skimmingdish Lane (cavers |
Taylor Close | Wear Road | Skinner Road |
Telford Road | Wedgwood Road | Somerville Drive |
Thames Avenue | Welland Croft | Sorrel Mead |
The Approach | Wellington Close | Southwold Lane |
The Bramblings | Wensum Crescent | Southwold Road |
The Buntings | Wesley Close | Speedwell Croft |
The Crescent | Wesley Lane | Spenser Close |
The Glades | Wesley Sqare | Spindleside |
The Green | Wessex Way | Spitfire Close |
The Magnolias | West End | Springfield Road |
The Oval | West End Close | Spruce Drive |
The Parade | West Street | St. Anne’s Close |
The Poplars | Westholm Court | St. Anthony’s Walk |
Sycamore Road | Whimbrel Close | St. Edburg’s Close |
The Spinney | Whitelands Farm | St. Edith’s Way |
Thompson Drive | Whitelands Way | St. Hilda’s Close |
Tinkers Lane | Whitley Crescent | St. Hugh’s Close |
Titchener Close | Willow Drive | St. John’s Street |
Trefoil Drive | Wilson Way | St. Mary’s Close |
Trenchard Lane | Windle Gardens | St. Peter’s Crescent |
Trent Crescent | Windmill Avenue | Stable Road |
Trinity Close | Windrush Close | Station Approach |
Truemper Grove | Winterbourne Close | Station Road |
Tubb Close | Withington Road | Sterling Close |
Turnberry Close | Woodcote Road | Stevenson Close |
Turnpike Road | Woodfield Road | Stoneburge Crescent |
Turnstone Green | Woodpecker Close | Stonecrop Leyes |
Tweed Crescent | Woodruff Close | Sunderland Drive |
Yew Close | Wordsworth Close | Swallow Close |
Yew Tree Farm | Wren Way | Swansfield |
York Close | Wretchwick Way | Swift Close |
Sycamore Gardens |