Bicester OX26 End of Tenancy Cleaning

Bicester OX26 End of Tenancy Cleaning

Whether you’re a private house owner, tenant or landlord, letting or vacating a Bicester OX26 property, CS Cleaners®, is a specialised Bicester OX26 company for tenants moving out and end of tenancy cleaning package to suit your needs.

As a Landlord

We understand how important it is for you to have your property professionally cleaned and checked before showing it to a prospective tenant.

As a Tenant

Flat, Apartment or House move out

It is equally important to present a spotlessly clean apartment to the Landlord as the return of your deposit is dependent on the condition you leave their property.

The best end of tenancy cleaning guarantees the most satisfying post-rent property condition.

Our end cleaning company is top-rated throughout England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

We use the end of tenancy cleaning Bicester OX26 specialists, who continually work closely with inventory clerks, landlords and estate agents to maintain their cleaning checklists, which are verified and regularly updated to meet the high standards required by the industry.

Post Tenancy Cleaning Services have been developed
through years of work with tenants, landlords, major lettings and estate
agents, and property management firms. Extensive cleaner training and
flexible scheduling allows us to tackle any job, no matter how dirty, and
our prices are highly competitive.

All our end of tenancy cleaning services includes the best
equipment, cleaning products and materials for the job. We send you a team of
cleaning professionals suitable to the size of the job and state of the
property and we can also provide speciality carpet cleaning, upon request.

Our smart and professional cleaning teams are hardworking and know exactly what they are doing so you can just leave them to get on with it.

Our end of tenancy service is a thorough cleaning with the usage of professional equipment and supplies. That makes us extremely effective. We are ready to fit our end of tenancy services to your needs and expectations.

Sit back and relax, let us do the cleaning for you!

Why pick CS Cleaners

Key pick up upon request

Fully insured cleaners

No time limit session – It’s done when it’s clean.

Different promotions for a multitude of service bookings

Years of past experience in the cleaning business

Short notice bookings available

Exclusive special discounts for returned Bicester OX26 clientele

96 hours (4 calendar days) free re-clean quarantee (Terms and Conditions apply)

check-out cleaning with fully trained professionals


How The Move Out Cleaners Do It

  1. We will dispatch the cleaners, who will arrive at the time you’ve specified.
  2. The experts carry all necessary equipment and detergents and will commence the cleaning session right away.
  3. Special attention will be paid to the areas specified in the schedule, in order to ensure the best results possible.
  4. We will send you an invoice, ensuring that the property has been cleaned professionally and is a shining place, ready for inspection.

NOTE: Please keep in mind that this service can’t be performed up to standard if the tenant’s personal belongings are not removed (or at least packed and gathered somewhere).

Additional Cleaning Procedures:

You can combine your End of Tenancy Cleaning with:

 Deep carpet cleaning –If the carpets need to be cleaneded, then we can also assist you with expert hot water extraction. This is a professional procedure performed with special equipment. It is suitable for most types of carpets and upholstered furniture.


Is somebody unhappy? We’ve got a 96 hours (4 calendar days) free quarantee!

Only a professional cleaning company will guarantee your check-out deposit refund with your after-tenancy service.

If you notice that some area wasn’t cleaned properly, then please contact us within 96 hours after the completion of the cleaning session. We will return the team for a free re-clean (T&C apply). This way we ensure that tenants will get their security deposits back and landlords will be content with the state of their property

Schedule a service with us

To arrange your move out cleaning anywhere in Bicester OX26 or ask for an estimate, simply fill out our Free Quotation Form. You can also use our live chat and get all your questions answered.

Frequently asked questions

Q: What are the end of tenancy cleaners work hours?

A: You can contact us at any time. On the other hand, the earliest your lease end cleaning can start is 7:00 am. The latest cleaning session can start at around 3:00 pm.

Q: Do I have to defrost my fridge and freezer in advance?

A: Please make sure to defrost the fridge/freezer about 24 hours before the start of the cleaning session. If the fridge/freezer is still frozen when the tenancy cleaners arrive, they might not be able to properly clean it.

Q: Do I have to pay extra for any congestion charges or parking fees?

A: This is the only charge that may come on top of your move out cleaning service. The team will always search for a free spot to park. However, if such is not available, then the customer will be asked to cover the parking charges while the service takes place. In case the property is within the congestion zone, then the customer is required to take care of the charges. Otherwise, the service may take place during the weekend (or a bank holiday) when the congestion charges in Bicester OX26 are lifted.

Q.Do you clean carpets and rugs?

A: All carpets and uphоlstered amenities will be vacuum cleaned. If yоu want thоse dоne up tо prоfessiоnal standards – yоu can add carpet cleaning оr rugs cleaning at a preferential price as cоmbined service when yоu bооk.

Q: Do you charge by the hour or per job?

A: The service is priced per jоb, meaning that the mоve оut cleaners will stay оn site until the rental is fully dоne. Hоurs are nоt what defines hоw much dоes end оf tenancy cleaning cоst.

End of Tenancy Cleaning Bicester OX26

Call us Now 0800 699 0858

Or use our online Free Quotation Form


Get  a Free Quote


Remove bathtub rings naturally with a grapefruit. Dip 1/2
of a cut grapefruit in salt, and use it to remove bathtub rings in record
time! The citric acid in grapefruit cuts through dirt and soap scum,
and salt works as an abrasive to scrub away even the toughest
stains. Squeeze out the grapefruit juice as you scrub for even more
cleaning power


Acacia WalkBaker CloseCampbell Close
Acorn CloseBalliol RoadCampion Place
Alchester TerraceBicester OX26 RoadCartmel
Aldbourne CloseBarberry PlaceCastle Close
Aldergate RoadBardwell TerraceCatterick Road
Almond RoadBarnfield CloseCauseway
Ambassador CourtBarry AvenueCedar Drive
Ancil AvenueBartsia RoadCelandine Close
Andover CloseBassett AvenueCemetery Road
Anson WayBattle CloseChaffinch Road
Arkwright RoadBeaufort CloseChalvey Road
Ascot WayBeckdale CloseChantenay Close
Ashby RoadBell LaneChapel Street
Ashdene RoadBenson CloseCharbridge Lane
Aspen CloseBernwood RoadCharbridge Way
Austen WalkBessemer CloseCharlotte Avenue
Avocet WayBetony WalkChaucer Close
Avon CrescentBeverley GardensCherwell Close
Wye CloseBicester AvenueChestnut Close
Danes RoadBicester House EstateChestnut End
Darnell WalkBicester RoadChichester Close
Davis GardenBicester VillageChiltern Approach
Deans CourtBisley CloseChurch Lane
Defiant CloseBlackburn WalkChurch Street
Derwent RoadBlackthorn RoadChurchill Road
Dickens CloseBlake RoadClover Mead
Dittander CloseBlencowe CloseCoach House Mews
Dove GreenBlenheim Drive (bicester)Coker Close
Dryden AvenueBlenheim Drive (launton)Coleridge Close
Dumas CloseBluebell CloseColne Close
Dunkins CloseBlythe PlaceColtsfoot Leyes
Dunlin CourtBoston RoadConifer Drive
Dunnock CloseBoundary WayCoopers Green
Duxford CloseBourne CloseCorncrake Way
East StreetBowmont SquareCosford Gardens
Eden WayBramley AvenueCowper Close
Elderfield RoadBrashfield RoadCranesbill Drive
Elm CloseBristol RoadCrockwell Close
Epsom WayBroadwell CourtCrown Walk
Evans YardBrook RoadCrumps Butts
Evenlode CloseBrowning DriveCuckoo Close
Ewart CloseBryony RoadCurtiss Close
Fair CloseBuchan RoadCypress Gardens
Fairford WayBuckingham CrescentHalifax Road
Fairhaven RoadBuckingham RoadHambleside
Falcon MeadBucknell RoadHamilton Close
FallowfieldsBugloss WalkHampden Close
Fallowfields CourtBunyan RoadHanover Gardens
Fane CloseBurdock CloseHarmon Close
Field StreetBure LaneHarrier Way
Fieldfare CloseBure PlaceHart Place
Finchley LaneBure SqareHawksmead
FircroftBurns CrescentHawthorn Walk
Fleming CloseButterbur GardensHaydock Road
Fluellen PlaceByron WayHazel Grove
Fontwell RoadGalingale CloseHeather Road
Forest CloseGavray DriveHemingway Drive
Forsythia CloseGaydon WalkHendon Place
Fox LaneGentian CloseHenley Gardens
Foxglove CloseGeorge StreetHerald Way
Fringford RoadGermander WayHereford Close
Fulmar CourtGobles CourtHeron Court
Japonica CloseGoldcrest WayHeron Drive
Jarvis LaneGoldfinch CloseHertford Close
Jasmine CloseGoldsmith CloseHexham Road
Jay CloseGoodwood CloseHolly Close
Jubilee WayGott CloseHolm Way
Juniper GardensGraham RoadHoney Suckle Close
Keats CloseGrange MewsHornbeam Road
Keble RoadGranville WayHorne
Kempton CloseGrebe RoadHowes Lane
Kennedy RoadGreen CloseHudson Street
Kennet CloseGreenwood DriveHunt Close
Kestrel WayGriffiths GardensHuntington Road
King’s AvenueLambourne CrescentHuxley Close
Kingfisher WayLancaster CloseIsis Avenue
Kings EndLangford GardensMacauley Close
Kingsclere RoadLapwing CloseMacKenzie Close
Kingsley RoadLarch CloseMagdalen Close
Kipling CloseLarkspur SquareMaisefield Close
Neun Kirshen WayLaunton RoadMallards Way
New StreetLawrence WayManorsfield Road
New Wesley LaneLeach RoadManston Close
Newton CloseLerwick CroftManzel Road
Nightingale PlaceLily CloseMaple Road
North StreetLime CrescentMargaret Close
Nuffield CloseLincoln CloseMarigold Walk
Nuthatch WayLinden RoadMarket End Way
Oak CloseLoddon CloseMartin Close
Old Place YardLodge CloseMaud Close
Old School CloseLondon RoadMay Tree Close
Orchard WalkLongfellow CloseMaycroft
Orchard WayLongfieldsMckay Trading Estate
Orchid CloseLongfields CourtMedina Gardens
Oriel WayLords LaneMelville Close
Orpine CloseLucerne AvenueMeredith Close
Osborne CloseLyneham RoadMerganser Drive
Osprey CloseLynham RoadMerlin Way
Overstrand CloseLysander CloseMerton Walk
Oxford RoadQueens AvenueMeteor Close
Oxlip LeyesQueens CourtMiddleton Stoney Road
Palm CourtRau CourtMilton Close
Parkland PlaceRavencroftMinton Place
Partridge ChaseRay RoadMontgomery Road
Paynes EndRaymond RoadMoor Pond Close
Pembroke WayReading CourtMorello Close
Peregrine WayRedmoor CourtMulberry Drive
Perth RoadRedwing CloseMullein Road
Piggy LaneReedmace RoadMurdock Road
Pine CloseRestharrow MeadSaffron Close
Pingle DriveRipon CloseSallow Close
Pipits CroftRobins WaySanderling Close
Pippin CloseRochford GardensSandpiper Close
Plumton RoadRoman WaySaxon Court
Pontefract RoadRookery WayScampton Close
PoppylandsRowan RoadScott Close
Portobello CloseRuck Keene CloseSeelscheid Way
Price CloseRuskin WalkSevern Close
Primrose DriveVendee DriveShackleton Close
Priory CloseVervainShakespeare Drive
Priory CourtVictoria CourtShannon Road
Priory LaneVictoria RoadShaw Close
Priory RoadVilliers RoadShearwater Drive
Purslane DriveWadham CloseSheen Close
Talisman RoadWalnut CloseSheep Street
Tamar CrescentWalpole CloseShelley Close
Tamarisk GardensWansbeck DriveSherwood Close
Tangmere CloseWarwick CourtSiskin Drive
Tay GardensWaveney CloseSkimmingdish Lane
Tayberry CloseWayfaringsSkimmingdish Lane (cavers
Taylor CloseWear RoadSkinner Road
Telford RoadWedgwood RoadSomerville Drive
Thames AvenueWelland CroftSorrel Mead
The ApproachWellington CloseSouthwold Lane
The BramblingsWensum CrescentSouthwold Road
The BuntingsWesley CloseSpeedwell Croft
The CrescentWesley LaneSpenser Close
The GladesWesley SqareSpindleside
The GreenWessex WaySpitfire Close
The MagnoliasWest EndSpringfield Road
The OvalWest End CloseSpruce Drive
The ParadeWest StreetSt. Anne’s Close
The PoplarsWestholm CourtSt. Anthony’s Walk
Sycamore RoadWhimbrel CloseSt. Edburg’s Close
The SpinneyWhitelands FarmSt. Edith’s Way
Thompson DriveWhitelands WaySt. Hilda’s Close
Tinkers LaneWhitley CrescentSt. Hugh’s Close
Titchener CloseWillow DriveSt. John’s Street
Trefoil DriveWilson WaySt. Mary’s Close
Trenchard LaneWindle GardensSt. Peter’s Crescent
Trent CrescentWindmill AvenueStable Road
Trinity CloseWindrush CloseStation Approach
Truemper GroveWinterbourne CloseStation Road
Tubb CloseWithington RoadSterling Close
Turnberry CloseWoodcote RoadStevenson Close
Turnpike RoadWoodfield RoadStoneburge Crescent
Turnstone GreenWoodpecker CloseStonecrop Leyes
Tweed CrescentWoodruff CloseSunderland Drive
Yew CloseWordsworth CloseSwallow Close
Yew Tree FarmWren WaySwansfield
York CloseWretchwick WaySwift Close
Sycamore Gardens